Saturday, August 20, 2011


Love, CJ.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sweetest gift.


Feeling happy! But tiring at the same time! I  my schoolmates! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fighting and still fighting.

School break has officially ended. It's time to fight again. Seems like an endless battle, fighting myself. I promise myself that i need to catch up on my school work. I need to stay on track, I can't fall apart, I need to focus.
Focus and Hard work. 
Bye JUNE. And welcome JULY. I pray that July will be great month ahead! :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011


It's 1.40AM now. And i feel like blogging..

Time really flies. July is coming! For the past six months, i have been enjoying my life! I love it! I just feel blessed and feel thankful for everything. And i'm 17 years old now! Hm, have i grown up? Yes, i did. Definitely. People do change! Ofcos is changing for the better.. I've learnt a lot of things, i've fought many battles. In life, there are too many (probably countless) battles for us to fight. All we can do is to stay strong, fight and conquer them. Never ever give up. Many people would love this phrase: ''Never ever give up". Most of them would only speak but didn't show it out. Do you ever heard before this phrase: ''Actions speak louder than words"? So, many of them chose to give up and escape from the reality. 

I'm just wondering. What would you do if your love ones left you alone in this world someday.. Would you suffer from depression? Yes, i think i will. But nevertheless, i would still stay strong and fight. The main point is to overcome your mentality. think positively. i know it could be quite tough, and it takes time. why not give it a try? You would not know what could happen :)

Everyday is a special and important day for you. We are given only 24hours a day. Cherish the time you have and spend it wisely. And ofcos, cherish your love ones before you regret. :) 

Like this pix!

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Love is in the AIR.

Life is full of surprises which we will be having soon :) 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Give me everything i need.

Feel Blessed and be Thankful.